
Request for Quotation

The Health Care Accreditation Council is not for profit organization based in Jordan, established to drive the continuous improvement of the quality and safety of health care facilities, services and programs, and foster patient-centered care through developing internationally accepted standards, capacity building and awarding accreditation in partnership with local and regional stakeholders.

(HCAC) is soliciting proposals from specialized institutes, organizations or companies on the provision of Digitalizing technical medical content of four (4) online courses;

  • Each course will be two (2) hours in duration.
  • Each course supposes to include max of eight (8) sessions.

The final Online-course is expected to include (but not limited to); text, illustrations and graphics.

The Requested proposals are expected to include both Technical and Financial sections entailing a detailed time-line and shedding the light on the applicant’s previous experience within the field of Digitalization. Send your final proposals to; Rjalabneh@hcac.com.jo .

The deadline submission of proposals is 04:00 p.m. Amman local time on 7th of April 2022.
