
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) HCAC Website Revamp and Digital Optimization – New One



HCAC Website Revamp and Digital Optimization – New One


The Health Care Accreditation Council (HCAC) is inviting proposals from experienced professionals for the development of an interactive, user-friendly, and engaging website. This project aims to reflect the organization’s values, enhance its public image, and deliver valuable content to a wide range of audiences, including stakeholders, partners, and the general public.

Any questions by the Bidders concerning this RFP should be made to Ms. Lilian Jawarneh at (+9626) 581 4100 ext. 114 or by email lijawarneh@hcac.com.jo

Questions and clarifications are accepted until 8th December, 2024.

All answers will be sent to Bidders by 11th December, 2024.

 Bidders are required to submit proposals to this RFP no later than 15th December, 2024.


To download the RFP click here

Submission Requirements: Proposals must be submitted via email, including the offeror’s name and address, and the RFP title in the subject line.

Late proposals will not be accepted and will automatically be disqualified from any further consideration. HCAC is not responsible for any delays caused by any delivery system.

